
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Useless Information...

We have so much useless information stored in our heads, and where does some of it come from?!  For example, every once in a while my son loves to quiz me on football teams, naming the city and wanting me to give him the teams' name.  Then he will switch, and give me the team, wanting the city they play for.  Invariably, every time, I have the correct answer.  Or he will name quarterbacks and ask me which team they play for.  This, I know as well. He tries so hard to stump me - and he rarely ever seems to be able to.  Now, this may not seem unusual to some, but the thing is... I am not even a football fan - not at all!  Why do I know this stuff?  I can't answer that... but it's all in there, among all kinds of other useless information taking up space in my brain.  I can't remember where I put my car keys, but I know that the Panthers play for Carolina.  I can't remember if I unplugged my blow dryer, but the Ravens play for Baltimore. Did I close the garage door? I can't remember, but I know that the Falcons play for Atlanta. Now, I can understand knowing the Dallas Cowboys, the San Francisco 49ers, the Arizona Cardinals or the Detroit Lions because I've lived in those places. But all the others... I just don't know how I've memorized them, without knowing that I did!  I don't always remember if I've told someone something already but...

I remember that the Rams play for St. Louis and the Browns play for Cleveland... yes, it is a funny phenomenon. It's information probably subliminally sent to my brain during all the endless hours of ESPN playing in the background of my life through the years.  I swear that I am not paying attention... I am busy doing other things... but my brain begs to differ. I guess my brain wins that argument.  I really must pay attention on some level, because I get home from the grocery store and realize I've forgotten the most important thing, but I remember that the Colts play for Indianapolis.  The Jaguars play for Jacksonville, but did I turn off the coffee pot?  And what about my coffee cup... where did I leave it? My coffee is somewhere in the house getting cold and I can't remember where I set it down... but I know that the Buccaneers play for Tampa Bay. The quiz's have become a fun trivia game in our house, my son even likes to see if I know the team by the uniform... and guess what?!  I do!

The above picture is of a Custom Order I created in 2009, which was purchased as a gift. The photograph, to the left, was sent to me for the pose my buyer wanted for the piece.  I had fun creating it, and thought that the football theme of the figurine, fit well with my blog post for today.

I guess I really am kind of a football fan... without even realizing it!


  1. This useless information might get you on a game show one of these days and you could win loads of dough and I don't mean the baking kind. LOL

  2. LOL! I too have useless information rattling around in my brain...everyone elses useless info...I tell them I'm not directory assistance but they persist! I guess this comes with living with 4 males!


  3. Dee - Haha!! I completely get that! I only live with 2 males... but it's much the same here! :) And, thanks for following!


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