
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Signs of Spring

Last Spring Robins built their nest in our yard and I took a few pictures of their beautiful blue eggs.  This year the Robins are back and built another nest in the exact same place.  They sure build a great nest!  I thought I would share a picture that I took of the brand new baby Robins.  As far as I can tell, there are five little ones in there... Five little beaks.  They have no feathers yet, and are huddled all together keeping warm on a chilly day.  Mama must be gathering food as they sleep.

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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥  Below is the picture I took, last year, of the Robin's Eggs.  I missed the opportunity to take a picture of her eggs this year, but am so happy to have a shot of the new babies!  Birds grow fast, I am going to try to get pictures of them as they grow...

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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥  Spring in Michigan is a bit chilly... Our Black Walnut trees are just beginning to get their leaves.  The trees along the creek, at the back of our yard, are filling in nicely.  Only a few of our flowers have begun to bloom... Spring is such a time of renewal, and walking around outside is so nice this time of year.  We can hear the birds singing each morning, it's great to have them back.  It's nice to see the flowers blooming.  The flowers in the pictures below came from our yard and they sure smell wonderful!

Two of our Black Walnut Trees

A closer shot of the baby Robins

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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥  Thank you for visiting today, and sharing a little touch of Springtime in Michigan with me!  Wishing you a great day!  ~Trina


  1. love all the signs of spring. but here in NC we,ve already started our summer heat!

  2. It will be fun watching the robins grow :)
    Such pretty flowers!

  3. what awesome pictures! how fun to see them grow throughout the spring and summer. hopefully our michigan weather will even out and get back on track!

  4. I am anxious to see the next pictures you take as they will look so different.

    Your flowers are beautiful Trina!

  5. I always think baby birds look like the most fragile things. It's a wonder they survive!


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