
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Saga of Our Broken Well... Final Chapter!

For all who have followed the saga of our broken well... It's FIXED!  Yay!  ...And we didn't have to dig a new one.  However, had we listened to the 'well guys,' we would have had a new well dug.  George wanted to try EVERYTHING first, and I'm sooooo glad that he did, it saved us a small fortune!  The biggest problem was the built up sediment on the screen.  It is FANTASTIC to have running water again!  And just in time, George hurt his hand, he had to have a couple stitches in his palm. Not a good place to be injured.  He's all bandaged up with a brace.  The doctor doesn't want him to move it much, lots of tendons and nerves right there.  It's not the first time he's hurt that same hand.  Some years ago, while working out on his homemade pull-up bar, the bar broke and he slit his hand open as he fell.  He severed the nerves and had to have surgery.  He has had numbness in his fingers ever since.  He is a bit accident prone, although he will profusely deny that!  He's okay now, and VERY happy to have a fixed well.  He certainly wouldn't have been able to lug those big water barrels right now!

I want to share a couple of sweet pictures with you!  Izzie LOVES Emmi and just now she was trying to snuggle with her.  Sweet!  Emmi wasn't quite as happy to snuggle, she finally got up and found a new place to nap.  Izzie looked sad.

.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥  Hope you are having an AWESOME weekend! 


  1. So glad your well is fixed and you have running water again! Hope the hand heals quickly.

  2. Thank you Annette! :) I hope his hand heals quickly too, but it sure didn't stop him from doing the 'Happy Dance' when our well was fixed! :) LOL!

  3. That sure was a long, miserable time without running water. George sure had a lot of determination and drive to get it fixed. Great job George!

    Izzie is sure going to miss Emmi when she leaves, I am not quite sure if Emmi will feel the same way. (LOL)

  4. Yes Mom, it sure was a long and miserable time without running water! Yay George!! :)

    The two dogs are quite cute together, Emmi may just miss Izzie, but she won't let on that she feels that way! LOL!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! How wonderful it must be to have RUNNING water againand WITHOUT having had to drill a new well. Hope George heals up quickly and glad to read that he was well enough to do the "Happy Dance". Hope it was danced as a duet.

    Your fur persons are so cute.

  6. Thank you Anita!! And yes, the Happy Dance was definitely a duet! :)

  7. Yay, for running water. I know what you mean about spending fortunes on a well. We just had to replace our pump after 15 years and it was not cheap! I hope George's hand heals OK. I have a horse named George!

  8. It sure isn't fun when the well breaks, sorry about your pump Julie! They are expensive, we had to replace ours last year... Hopefully both of our wells will be good for a very long time!!

    Thank you for the 'get well soon' wishes for George's hand! :)

  9. That Was a long time without running water!! It must have been very difficult!! Glad it's fixed now. Both Izzie and Emmi's picture are cute :)

  10. Great news Trina!! You have been such a good sport though it all. I'm sorry your hubby hurt his hand though, a cut in his palm is very painful. I hope it heals quickly and he can relax for a while. The doggie pictures are very cute. Hugs, BJ

  11. Small Idea ~ Thank you! It was a long time... Too long! Glad you enjoyed the pics!

  12. Thank you BJ! There were times where I was not such a good sport... But overall we did pretty good. Glad it's fixed, makes life much easier! Thank you for the 'get better' wishes for George's hand! :)

  13. Congrats, I know that must be a relief! WTG on not having to dig a new well.

  14. Thank you Janie!! It sure is a relief not to have to dig a new well! :) Yay!


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