
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ruby Red!

It's Treasury Tuesday and I've put together a 'Ruby Red' Treasury!  All kinds of beautiful items by very talented Etsy Artists!  Enjoy!! :)

.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥ Thank you for visiting, wishing you a day full of sunshine!


  1. That certainly is red! What a beautiul treasury. I have to go visit some of those shops.

    Hmmmm...did I just see a yorkie laying in a bed on your flickr photostream? I think I have to go check that out now! Your stuff is so cute!

  2. Thank you Sher! So glad you like the treasury... Red is my favorite color and that one was fun to put together! Thank you also, for your compliments on my work! :)

  3. Love the Red Trina, especially the bicycle!

  4. Thanks Mom! I like that bicycle too! :)

  5. Thank you for followering me on The Hive now I'm followering here. I would love to have you and maybe some of your friends to follower me at my Blog.

    ‎Thanks for sharing with us.........
    Donna Scrapp'n Nana

    Come and see what is New. NEW TOOLS in July. A New System

  6. Thank you for posting my ruby red shoes painting. It's one of my favorites! Great collection of red!


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