
Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Soccer Player and a Birthday Boy!

I just finished two fun clay creations!  One is a Soccer Player and the other is a First Birthday Cake Topper.  First I'll share the Birthday Cake Topper.  My customer sent a picture of her son's monkey blanket and asked that it be included in the topper.  Here's a picture of the blanket:

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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥  It was such fun to create and incorporate a whimsical version of this adorable blanket!  I placed the blanket on one side of the little boy and a 'toy' car on the other side.  He's sitting in front of a great big cupcake with colorful sprinkles on top, along with a shiny blue candle, all lit up and ready to be blown out.  He has a happy smile, and just look at those cute little toes!  He's holding a big pearly blue balloon with a red number one on it.   Please look for this topper to be listed in my Etsy Shop (Trina's Clay Creations) soon, as an example of a Child's Birthday Cake Topper that can be purchased from me.

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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥  Created at the request of my cousin, next is a little Soccer Player.  He's so happy and proud as he 'poses' for his soccer pictures!  He's got one foot on his soccer ball and is standing in the grass... 

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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥  Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Stay tuned for my next 'Show~and~Tell' where I will be featuring some of my new Flower Pot Buddies that I will soon be listing in my Etsy Shop!  Wishing you a GREAT day!!  ~Trina


  1. So adorable! I love the details on the Birthday cake topper!

  2. Trina ~ these are fabulous! Such fine detail and workmanship. Jared will love his soccer player and your customer will be wowed with her cake topper.

  3. I LOVE that little boy with the cupcake and balloon! And Jared is cute too.

    I remember when I was small, my mom would buy us a porcelain topper for our cakes every year. I think she quit when I was about 10. I remember how much I loved them though. I'm sure the children will love yours as well!

    I just wish I would have saved them!

  4. How cute are these creations!Love them!

  5. Wonderful work. Both creations are stunning, you certainly have a talent with clay.

  6. You are so talented! I love the eyes on both boys. I don't know what either boy looks like "in real life", but it looks like you captured their spirits, for sure!

    Popping in from the Etsy Blog Team!

  7. Thank you to each of you for your kind words about my work! I'm so glad to know you like them!! :)

  8. Sher, what a nice tradition your mom had going with the cake toppers. Thanks for sharing your story of them. Such sweet memories, it is too bad that you didn't save them. I know, looking back now, I have things I wish I'd saved... And then there are things I wonder why I saved! LOL!


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