
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Eeeeek, A Snake!

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here lately, with temperatures in the upper 70's to low 80's, beautiful clear blue skies, sun shining, a slight breeze... Very difficult NOT to be outside!!   (I think I just sounded like a meteorologist!)

So, I thought I would take a little break from my clay work and spend a bit of time enjoying this unseasonably great weather.  A little time to stop and 'Smell the Flowers' ~ Something I don't do often enough!

I thought it would be fun to take Izzie and Emmi out for a walk by the creek.  Well... I walked, they chased squirrels and birds up into the trees... Their favorite pass-time!  

Izzie and Emmi love to chase squirrels up this big Weeping Willow that's on the bank of our creek!

While they were romping and playing I was soaking in the sunshine.  Then, all of a sudden I felt like I was in one of those movies where the audience knows there's a BIG snake lurking, but the character (that would be me) is totally oblivious!  I don't really know why, but I looked down, and there it was!!!  Right at my feet!!  It was a SNAKE!  I think I screamed... I KNOW I ran!  NOT a fan of snakes, and this one was looking right up at me, with his forked tongue sticking out, as if he were mocking me!  I have no idea how long the snake was that close to me.  He wasn't a huge snake, but he was big enough, that's for sure!  My fearless dogs had no idea, they were fixated on the squirrel they chased, trying to catch him!  They would have LOVED to to have gotten a hold of that snake, I'm quite sure of it!!  But, yes, they had no idea mommy was having a small outdoor crisis.  I'm sure they looked at me when they saw me run, but they always see me do seemingly funny things... They paid no attention!  A lot of help they were!  lol!  Once I settled down a bit, I went back to where the snake was, and he was gone.  Slithered away to his home somewhere in our yard.  Oh dear, now I will have to be even more on the look-out for snakes when I'm outside.  That was enough of the outdoors for me, for a bit.  So, back inside to my clay creations I went, to settle for enjoying the sunshine from the windows of my studio instead.  That snake was MUCH TOO CLOSE for COMFORT!

.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥ Thank you for stopping by today for a visit!!  I wish you a 'snake-free' great day!!


  1. Trina,
    What a dreadful experience! Keep in mind though that there is a good side to snakes, they get rid of the rats and mice that would love to make their home in your home. Love those pictures of Emmi and Izzy and your beautiful yard.

    1. Yes, that's sure true Mom, they do eat the bugs and small critters... But I'd rather those snakes be on the outskirts of our property instead of right in the immediate yard! :)

  2. your response to the snake is my response to spiders. hahaha. I'll take a snake over a spider any day.

  3. Yikes! And now you just know he's still out there somewhere!

    1. Yikes is right Edi... He could be anywhere, anytime! :/

  4. Man, snakes always sneak up on me! It's not that I have anything against them, but I always just turn around and there one is! I'm glad your snake encounter ended well enough.

    1. Thank you Natasha! Snakes sure do have a way of sneaking up on us, can't hear them coming!

  5. Cute story, and I loved the way you told it! You have a lovely property...too bad it comes with snakes! LOL!

    1. Thank you Lisa, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story of my snake encounter! Yes... It is definitely too bad the property comes with snakes! LOL!

  6. Oh my! Something tells me that you probably scared that poor little snake more than he scared you! And I think you would make a great weather person.

    I am happy that you were able to get away from work and enjoy nature (including the snake). That is something that I have just recently learned to make a priority and when I quit my job in November, I am promising myself to do it more often, but in my case, without the snakes, hopefully!

    1. LOL Sher, I'm sure you're right, I probably did scare that snake more than he scared me!

      It's a great thing to promise yourself to make time to enjoy nature, relax a bit!! (Hopefully without encountering any snakes!) LOL! I really need to make that promise too... And keep it!

  7. Yeah - I'm not fond of the sudden snake encounter, either!


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